Series of workshops on the “Policy Support Facility (PSF) on Bioeconomy”
Dedicated Bioeconomy strategies or other policy initiatives exist or are being developed in many of the EU Member States and regions. However, some countries lag behind, despite their huge biomass potential. There is a need to organize a platform for discussion of the challenges in developing a dedicated Bioeconomy Strategy. To this end, a Policy Support Facility (PSF) was proposed in the EC communication “A sustainable Bioeconomy for Europe”, the updated EU Bioeconomy strategy. A functional PSF could prove useful also for countries that have already developed their Bioeconomy strategy since it could facilitate cooperation, mutual learning, innovation in addressing policy implementation and future monitoring and follow-up.
The Bioeconomy Strategic Working Group, the BIOEAST initiative and the European Commission, have jointly organized a series of three workshops to support the implementation of the PSF and to foster the process of developing national Bioeconomy strategies.
Below you can download the presentations and reports from those workshops.
1st workshop (13 March 2019)
Report of 1st workshop
Scope of the updated Bioeconomy Strategy (Waldemar Kütt, DG RTD F.1)
Introduction to the Policy Support Facility (Marta Trucot Calbet, DG RTD A.4)
Introduction of the BIOEAST initiative (Barna Kovacs, BIOEAST Secretary General)
2nd workshop (3 May 2019)
Report of 2nd workshop
Country overviews of countries without dedicated Bioeconomy strategy
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Estonia
- Greece
- Hungary
- Lithuania
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Turkey
Country overviews of countries with dedicated Bioeconomy strategy
- Austria
- France
- Latvia
Zip of country overviews of countries without dedicated Bioeconomy strategy
Zip of country overviews of countries with dedicated Bioeconomy strategy
3rd workshop (14 June 2019)
Report of 3rd workshop
Updated country overviews of countries without dedicated Bioeconomy strategy
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Estonia
- Hungary
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Poland
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Turkey
Country overviews of countries with dedicated Bioeconomy strategy
- Spain
ZIP of updated country overviews of countries without dedicated Bioeconomy strategy